What you need to know about science policy at SfAM

Hear how you can engage with policy makers from members of the SfAM Policy Subcommittee and why you should get involved.

13 May 2021 3pm – 4pm BST + Add to calendar Webinar

The policy subcommittee (PSC) are a group of scientists from a range of different backgrounds, disciplines, and career stages who help shape and direct SfAM’s policy. But what does being a PSC member this actually involve?

From organising events, contributing to policy outputs including press releases, consultation responses, and policy briefings, to advising SfAM’s Executive Committee on policy and public affairs. Members of the current PSC will share their experiences of being involved in SfAM’s policy work. The PSC is recruiting for new members to be appointed at the AGM (15 July 2021) so this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about this opportunity.  

Come and hear us discuss how we engage with policy makers and how you can contribute to our work at any level.